Most famous food items in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya(JNV)

How do you decide what was famous among all those variety. I can think of a few reasonable ways, like Queue, Rush ,  general sentiment, Bragging and number of Seconds/Doubles ( "Double Marna" was a thing of pride) which might have made me believe something was more famous.

Seconds: Mess workers were instructed strictly not to let anyone have seconds for most food items. We had an expert non bribe-able Rampal Bhaiya famous for catching Doublers (Double marne wale) .  
But that never stopped anyone from trying, we are talking about Navodaya here.
Challenge makes it more fun. We take pride in doing the "Impossible".

So after a heavy breakfast or heavier meal when people retire to their classroom or dorm you get to hear people bragging like, I took 3 doubles, or I got pass Rampal Bhaiya and he didn't even suspect anything.

And that is how we know what People like -the Bragging, the thing people bragged most about was definitely poori. others include Non-veg , evening Snacks, sweet.

and yeah Special Tea made for teachers. it was like rare Tricky little forbidden thing everyone wanted a sip of,  The trick was very simple, to sit near teachers table and wait for them to be out of sight and then toot paro. taste was worth all the trouble. not to mention bragging rights you get off of this.

Queue/Rush:  Sometimes the Production speed was less then consumption, and it used  to happen mostly for famous items on the list specially on special occasions, this was further factored  by people taking doubles. most of us would generally rush and wait only for Poori or nonveg . ( this was the only thing I stood in line for  after I was promoted from Half Pant to Full Pant category in 8th std)

General Sentiments : 
 Almost everyone seemed to like Poori chola, Poha, Fried rice, Pulao Chola, Halwa, most evening snacks ( including Parle-G, was it just in my JNV's menu? )

What is so Special About Poori:

After everyone is beaten up by hard physical work like  Gardening(juniors) or micromanaging(seniors) on a Freaking Sunday  morning, the mob is hungry and no one should ask them to wait,

Everyone had a bad Saturday dinner already and they are eagerly waiting for this rounded little oily thing, you are asking them to wait, not fair but they will stand on the queue sometime for hours.

and after all the waiting and fighting in queue when you get your hands on those hot Poori with Chola, and you eat with a mob of hungry friends sitting around you. what is not to love.

I think this could be the reason for Poori being the  most famous food.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


  1. Great one....Abhinav Bhaiya. You just reminded all those days

  2. 'Doubling' & 'Trippling' words are used here in JNV BUXAR (BIHAR)
