JNV life from Class Six To Twelve


  • 6th standard ; - Stepping into the campus , many eyes staring at you , asking ,if you are newcomer to class 6th of this year ???And simultaneously you feel like school is so big , student playing ,living in hostel with friends will be so much fun ,but then, the first night at hostel, you start missing your parent (coz might be ,it was the first time you lived apart :'(     )......& then stream of nonstop tears flows down through your eyes which continues for about an year :'(  , you make resolution to leave school by next year :p
  • 7th standard :- You give yourself 1 more year to test, if you can live in such condition, waking up at 4.30 am , going through hectic schedule ,but meanwhile this year your PET teacher allot you some game at which you are good ,and frequency of crying gets lessen :p ,You start getting involved into chatting with people around you ,become amiable with teacher and people and your 1 more year ends somehow
  • 8th standard :- In those past two years , teacher treats you like kids( though they still think you are ,but who weeps lesser than earlier  :p ),Teachers expect from you to play well , study well ,take responsibilities of junior kids..... phheeewww ,and yes you see your progress in washing your cloth better than previous two years , a good gardener :p , less crying baby ,gradually start opening up to your teachers ,and if you are good at sport ,you get a chance to attend sports meets :D :D ......
  • 9th standard :- Woah , you're now topmost senior among junior hostel people ( some become topmost senior when they are at 8th std. ) :D ,taking care of juniors, serving in mess according to house's duties,conducting assembly and weekly to do things .when it's comes to be done by your house ,you try to get appreciable points ,to be entitled by "BEST HOUSE OF THE YEAR :D " , In order of that ,participating in every competitions, (games .cultural , cleaning or whatever :P ) to emerge out as best :P,teachers start treating you as pretty grown up,( IF you are having terms with your teachers, they invite you with group of your friend, secretly sometime to watch movies even ;-) :P )
  • 10th standard :- Scariest year , board class, CBSE Board, waking up at 4.00 am , attending morning classes b4 PET classes , attending weekly tests, reading and reading,playing gets lessen,you get lil time not even enough to wash pile of dirty clothes :'( ,reading ,solving question :'( , but the best part is , Your teacher's suffer with you too , they have to follow the same what you go through , you might be having doubts with question , those ppl stays around to clear them up :) :) :) ,board exams done , so did your another year :D ,,,,,,
  • 11th standard :- Once again the feeling like free bird comes back :P [( not for girls coz they were asked to not go outside of the campus like boys :'(  >:( , but yet you won't be called hosteler unless you break off the boundaries :P ) convincing your lady teacher so well that they would allow your to go out with her on the name of so called morning jogging with people :P )]                                                                                         { ( You can call it typical "JUGAAD " :P )} ......                            though you are not topmost senior yet you are just to be (board student are so busy with studies :P ) , so ultimately you act as 2nd topmost seniors
  • 12 standard :- Last year of your school + board = sad :'( ....  ,once the kid,who used to babble to quit school when was in 6th class couldn't realize how soon it's 6 years passed so easily :/ :/:/ , for the reasons one used to weep now laugh at itself for :P :/ ...didn't know how did we grow up made strong bonds with teachers, pals , and of course with creatures of school like dogs , monkeys , cows ,and many more , cause we had got used to see them that we even baptized their pet names :P :'( ......                                                                                                                Waiting eagerly for sundays , attending sports meet trips , making friends in other navodayas , living in narrowed facility conditions were all so gruesome but yet we explored our self so well that yeas we are someone and this school made me to realize this
  • Unknown

    Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.